Funding for this project generously provided by Overdeck Family Foundation

A polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid that consists of a collection of polygons joined at their edges. The word derives from the Greek "poly-" ("many") plus the Indo-European "-hedron" ("seat"). Polyhedra form in the natural world in some crystals and have been of interest to many civilizations in art, architecture and games of chance.
around 2500–2300 BCE
Burnt City Dice
Ancient elongated dice from Shahr-e Sukhteh
around 250–150 BCE
Pottery Sherd Icosahedron Construction
Icosahedron construction on ancient pottery fragments
around 1–100 CE
Icosahedral Die with Divine Entities
Rolling divinities on an icosahedral die
around 200 BCE–400 CE
Serpentinite Icosahedral Die
Ancient Egyptian 20-sided die
Da Vinci's Polyhedra
Divinely illustrated polyhedra
Kepler's Planetary System
Nested regular solids model the solar system