Funding for this project generously provided by Overdeck Family Foundation

Geometry is the branch of mathematics focused on the properties of space related to size and shape. Geometry involves objects such as lines, curves and surfaces. The word "geometry" derives from the Greek words for "earth" and "measurement." Many cultures and periods have studied geometry, with the work of Greek geometer Euclid representing perhaps the most influential work ever written in mathematics.
around 2000–1900 BCE
Babylonian Nested Triangle Tablet
Triangular band divided into trapezoids
around 1850 BCE
Moscow Mathematical Papyrus
Ancient Egyptian mathematical papyrus
around 1900 to 1600 BCE
Babylonian Sippar Recombination Text
Babylonian recombination text from Sippar
around 1900–1600 BCE
Babylonian Geometrical Problem Tablet
Clay tablet with geometrical problems accompanied by diagrams
around 300 BCE
Euclid's Elements
Centuries of logic, theorems and propositions
around 75–125 CE
Euclid Diagram Papyrus
Oldest known complete diagram from Euclid's Elements
600–900 CE
Moche Net Balance Scale
Pre-Columbian balance scale from coastal Peru
Al-Tusi's Commentary on the Elements
Definitive Arabic commentary on Euclid