Funding for this project generously provided by Overdeck Family Foundation

Mathematics Education
The role of mathematics in learning has evolved significantly since ancient times. While the ancient Greeks studied mathematics for its own sake, other ancient civilizations like Babylonia, Egypt and Rome taught basic arithmetic and geometry to male students from higher social classes or for use in certain trades. In the West, math education blossomed starting with the advent of universities in France, the "rediscovery" of Islamic and Greek texts on mathematics and the invention of the printing press. By the 1900s, public education systems began to form, making mathematics a central part of curricula throughout the world.
Derby Museum Hornbook
Primer for study
around 1700
North American Hornbook
Only known hornbook likely constructed and used in North America
Maria Agnesi's Analytical Institutions
Early calculus textbook and the witch of Agnesi
around 1700–1800
Wood Hornbook with Abacus
Hornbook with an abacus
Midshipman's Cyphering Book
Bound for Botany Bay?
around 1813
Samuel Fay's Cyphering Book
A well-traveled cyphering book
Lincoln's Cyphering Book
President Lincoln's multiplication practice
Orville Wright's Arithmetic Textbook
The Wright brothers learn math at home
around 1890
Slate with Numeral Frame
Early childhood educational tool
New York State Regents Exams in Mathematics
Exams from yesteryear